General Terms and Conditions
This website is operated as Maqam Umrah, a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of India. Accessing, browsing, or using this site, you should acknowledge and agree to the following important Terms &Conditions without any restrictions or limitations. If you visit any sub-site (whether affiliated with Maqam Umrah or not) through this platform, it may have its distinct Terms & Conditions of use, which apply specifically to that sub-site. These sub-sites may also feature additional Terms & Conditions of use.
The combination of these Terms & Conditions of Use and any extra terms posted on this website constitute the whole agreement between you and Maqam Umrah concerning your use of this site.
The Site and Its Contents:
This site is strictly for personal use. You must not share, modify, sell, or transmit any content from this site, including text, images, audio and videos, for different business or commercial purposes.
By adhering to these Terms & Conditions of Use, Maqam Umrah grants you a limited, non-transferable right to access and use this site. You agree not to disrupt the operations of this site.
Certain areas of the site may require registration. To register, you may need to provide accurate information. You warrant that all information you provide is truthful and accurate.
The materials on this site, including audio, images, software, and various texts (the “Content”), are protected by international copyright conventions and laws. You may not use the content except as specified here. Adhere to all usage instructions provided on this site.
This site features proprietary Logos, Service Marks, and Trademarks, whether owned by Maqam Umrah or others. Displaying them doesn’t grant you a license to use them. Unauthorized content use may violate Copyright, Trademark, Privacy, and Publicity Laws.
You can download content for personal home use unless a subsite specifies otherwise. If you download content, retain all Copyright, Trademark, and other notices accompanying it.
If this site includes Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms, or other Communication Facilities, they should be used appropriately. You agree not to:
- Defame, harass, threaten, or even violate the legal rights of others;
- Share defamatory, infringing, obscene, or unlawful material;
- Upload files with protected software unless you have the necessary rights;
- Attach files that contain viruses or damaging software;
- Remove attributions or legal notices from uploaded files;
- Falsify the origin of uploaded materials;
- Advertise Goods/Services, conduct surveys, or distribute illegal files;
- Download files you know can’t be legally shared;
- Use these facilities responsibly and within legal bounds.
User’s Material
You must not post or transmit defamatory, obscene, profane, or unlawful materials or anything that could encourage criminal conduct or violate laws. Maqam Umrah is not liable for the content of communications containing inaccurate, defamatory, or offensive materials. We may edit or remove user content violating our policies. Maqam Umrah will cooperate with law enforcement in disclosing the identity of those posting such materials.
Maqam Umrah Rights
Communications or materials which you usually send to the site, whether through email or other means, including comments, suggestions, or data, will be considered non-confidential by Maqam Umrah.
By submitting such materials, you waive claims that its use violates your moral, privacy, or property rights. Maqam Umrah may adapt, copy, disclose, license, publish, or use the material worldwide, indefinitely, in any medium.
Internet transmissions are not entirely secure or private. Messages or information sent to this site might be read or intercepted by others unless there’s an explicit notice of encryption. Sending a message to Maqam Umrah doesn’t impose any special responsibility on them towards you.
The Copyright of this website’s contents belongs to Maqam Umrah. Therefore, Maqam Umrahretains all rights. Copying any part or all of the website’s contents without Maqam Umrah’s permission is prohibited, except when necessary to use the paid services provided.
Contests and Interactions
This site might feature contests involving submitting materials or information about yourself for prizes. Each contest has specific rules that you must read and agree to before participating.